samedi 22 octobre 2016
Audiometric, samedi 22 octobre à 20h
Aligre Fm / Jet Fm / Eko des Garrigues / Radio Active / Radio Grenouille
Paris : Nantes : Montpellier : Toulon : Marseille
Dub Mentor Feat. Anna Domino - Johnny
Dub Mentor Feat. Tal Weiss - Losing The Will To Survive
Dub Mentor - feat Jil Caplan - The Crying Game
P L Y - Tapis Perses
Philip Glass - Chance Encounter
Cave Bacchus - Destoyer of Naivetés (extract remixed)
Underworld - Holding The Moth
Julius Eastman - Femenine
Mathias Delplanque & Black Sifichi - Le Voyage en Inde
Flanger - Spin
Meta Meat - Converge
The Orb - Just Because I Really Really Luv Ya
Edward Perraud - Captain Universe
Beyonce & Kendrick Lamar - Freedom
Kendrick Lamar - Alright
Danton Eeprom - Occidental Damage
The Detroit Experiment - Revelation