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  6. Katharsis, vendredi 11 (...)
Votre don de soutien à JET
mercredi 16 mars 2011

Katharsis, vendredi 11 mars 2011

PLAYLIST 11/03/2011 :

Album de la semaine : DEICIDE "To hell with god"

Groupe Titre Album label

  1. MOTÖRHEAD Born to lose The world is yours Motörhead Music / EMI
  2. HOTROAD The fear of the unkown Insanity Autoproduit
  3. DEICIDE To hell with god To hell with god Century media
  4. FALKENBACH Time between dog and wolf Tiurida Napalm recs
  5. HORKAN Dirge lullaby Deposed goddess Autoproduit
  6. HENKER Joy to kill Slave of my art Autoproduit
  7. UNHOLY RITUAL Distinct inception Finis origine pendet Autoproduit
  8. ERA NOVA Sin eater Children of alcyone Manitou music
  9. TOTAL FUCKING DESTRUCTION Tony hung himself Haters Bones brigade
  10. TOTAL FUCKING DESTRUCTION Lovegrinder Haters Bones brigade
  11. ALGHAZANTH Wine within Vinum intus Woodcut recs
  12. ABACINATE Disturbing remedies for a desperate disease Genesis Epitomite prods
  13. IGNITION CODE Human B.P.M. Upgraded Autoproduit
  14. AMON AMARTH Runes to my memory With oden on our side Metal Blade
  15. FULL BLOWN CHAOS Doomageddon Full blown chaos Metal Blade