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  6. Katharsis, vendredi 24 (...)
Votre don de soutien à JET
lundi 27 septembre 2010

Katharsis, vendredi 24 septembre 2010

PLAYLIST 24/09/2010 :

Album de la semaine : CATACOMB "The years of morbidology"

Groupe Titre Album label

  1. IRON MAIDEN Mother of mercy The final frontier EMI
  2. PIN UP WENT DOWN Murphy in the sky with daemons 342 Ascendance recs
  3. CATACOMB The key The years of morbidology Armée de la mort recs
  4. SEVERE TORTURE Incarnation of impurity Slaughtered Season of mist
  5. DEAD CROWN Ad vitam aeternam Dead crown Autoproduit
  6. BLASPHEMATOR Facing the apocalypse First blasphem Autoproduit
  7. NECROPSY DNA666 Kariotype Underclass
  8. MAGNUS False god Acceptance of death Witching hour prods
  9. AMORPHIS Drowned maid Magic & mayhem - Tales from the early years Nuclear blast
  10. LIMBONIC ART Curse of the necromancer Phantasmagoria Candlelight
  11. SOILWORK Night comes clean The panic broadcast Nuclear blast
  12. MARILLION Kayleigh Misplaced childhood EMI
  13. THE HAUNTED Meat wagon (Studio bonus) Roadkill Century media

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