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  6. Spirit of Noise 27/10/2010
Votre don de soutien à JET
jeudi 28 octobre 2010

Spirit of Noise 27/10/2010

- Emission : ICI

- (Groupe // Morceau // Album // Label)

- KORO // 700 club // Speed kills // Sorry state Rds // 1983-2006
- BROKEN BONES // Enemy within // Fuck you ! and all you stand for // Dem bones Rds // 2010
- BETRAYED // Your response // Suffering // React ! Rds // 2010
- THE BUSINESS // Mean girl // Doing the business // Sailor’s grave Rds // 2010
- PRIMAL AGE //Genetically murderer organism/ The gearwheele of time // Deadlight Entertainment // 2010
- RIGHT IDEA // Find yourself // Right away // Refuse Rds // 2010
- PETER PAN SPEEDROCK // We want blood ! // We want blood ! // People like you Rds // 2010
- MOLESTED YOUTH//Wasted nights //We’re always going to have breakfast alone// Deranged Rds// 2010
- SUICIDAL TENDENCIES //Something inside me//No mercy fool !/The suicidal family // Suicidal Rds // 2010
- A.Y.S. // Snowblind // The path of ages // Cobra x Rds // 2009 //
- BLITZKRIEG // Abuse of power // Lest we forget // No Future Rds // 1982
- DONNYBROOK ! // Fist over fist // Split with PIECE BY PIECE // 1917 Rds // 2004
- STREET DOGS // Back to the world // Back to the world // Brass tacks Rds // 2005
- HANDS TIED // These hands // Through the wreckage // Livewire Rds // 2010 //
- TERROR // Your enemies are mine // Keepers of the faith // Century media Rds // 2010
- IGNITE // Pay To Cum // Never Give In – A Tribute to BAD BRAINS // Century Media Rds // 1999
- REARRANGED// Letter to a friend //Youth crew Comp. //Youth Crew Rds+Monument Rds+Positive focused Rds/09
- STRUGGLE AGAINST // This time // Vision of strength // Embrace Rds // 2007
- WHAT LIFE IS // Heard // Ill intentions // Bombardment Rds // 2007

Enjoy :lol :