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  5. katharsis, vendredi 23 (...)
Votre don de soutien à JET
lundi 26 septembre 2011

katharsis, vendredi 23 septembre 2011

PLAYLIST 23/09/2011 :

Album de la semaine : CANNABIS CORPSE "Beneath grow lights thou shalt rise"

Groupe Titre Album label

  1. POLKADOT CADAVER Bloodsucker Sex offender
  2. HEAD CAT You can’t do that Walk the walk…Talk the talk Niji entert.
  3. CANNABIS CORPSE Gateways to Inhalation Beneath grow lights thou shalt rise Tankcrimes
  4. RECUEIL MORBIDE The devil came to annihilate me Only hate left Great dane recs
  5. HOMESTELL Speaks Despicable torments Autoproduit
  6. GOTHOLOCAUST Towards the dark shadows Nocturnal wrath Autoproduit
  7. EVILE Cult Five serpent’s teeth Earache
  8. STEP IN FLUID One step beyond One step beyond Klonosphere
  9. VADER Come and see my sacrifice Welcome to the morbid reich Nuclear blast
  10. LOCK UP Parasite drama Necropolis transparent Nuclear blast
  11. BRUTAL TRUTH All work and no play End time Relapse
  12. CRAFT Succumb to sin Void Carnal recs
  13. BLOOD RED THRONE Parnassian cacoepy Brutalitarian regime Sevared recs
  14. JUDAS PRIEST Nostradamus Nostradamus Columbia
  15. L’ESPRIT DU CLAN Royaume de la peur Chapitre V - Drama XIII bis
  16. DEATH WOLF Circle of abomination Death wolf Bloodawn

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