lundi 29 avril 2019
lundi 29 avril à 14h30
par Henri
Warren Sampson / Travellers On A Mountain Road (1987, Traveller, Love All Day 2017)
Madrid / Westcross West (Night Clubber, Serpentine 1998)
Red / I’m Fucking Small (Felk Moon, Bisou Recordings 2018)
John Makin & Friends / No Lie (compilation Uneven Paths, deviant pop from Europe 1980 - 1991, Music From Memory 2018)
Eight Dayz / Dad, I Hope You Love Me ?! (Every Day Is Like A New Beginning, New Wind Records 1989)
Nicolas Paugam / Tenir Debout (Le Ventre Et L’Estomac, Microcultures 2019)
The Housemartins / Flag Day (London 0, Hull 4, Go Discs 1986)
Tim Buckley / Chase The Blues Away (Blue Afternoon, Straight 1970)
Fontanelle / The Telephone Fade (Fontanelle, Kranky 2000)
Miles Davis / In A Silent Way/It’s About That Time (In A Silent Way, Columbia 1969)
Labradford / 6. (E Luxo So, Blast First 1999)
Warren Sampson / La Bella Donna (1987, Traveller, Love All Day 2017)
Madrid / Westcross West (Night Clubber, Serpentine 1998)
Red / I’m Fucking Small (Felk Moon, Bisou Recordings 2018)
John Makin & Friends / No Lie (compilation Uneven Paths, deviant pop from Europe 1980 - 1991, Music From Memory 2018)
Eight Dayz / Dad, I Hope You Love Me ?! (Every Day Is Like A New Beginning, New Wind Records 1989)
Nicolas Paugam / Tenir Debout (Le Ventre Et L’Estomac, Microcultures 2019)
The Housemartins / Flag Day (London 0, Hull 4, Go Discs 1986)
Tim Buckley / Chase The Blues Away (Blue Afternoon, Straight 1970)
Fontanelle / The Telephone Fade (Fontanelle, Kranky 2000)
Miles Davis / In A Silent Way/It’s About That Time (In A Silent Way, Columbia 1969)
Labradford / 6. (E Luxo So, Blast First 1999)
Warren Sampson / La Bella Donna (1987, Traveller, Love All Day 2017)
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programmation musicale, lundi 29 avril 2019 (MP3 - 192.8 Mo)
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