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  5. La Lisière
  6. proteste
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jeudi 5 octobre 2017


  la lisière, proteste

Flamingo Mating Calls (Mid Perspective) Camargue - Colin Hunter Nature Sound Map

Protest against political corruption and immorality – Magnus Bergsson

an acoustic habit/ritual of [not only] insects seems to go with the setting of the sun, in this case of zicadas [recorded by the sea on tao island] that would go off at that same moment each evening, and would end as abruptly as they started. groups of zicadas in different... (title incomplete) – Dave Phillips

Scared Piece Of Metal, Old Piece Of Metal – Jonáš Gruska

The Foil – Cyril Bondi

No Trump, no KKK, no fascist USA ! – Cities and Memory

End Of EU – Cave Art

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